Here is the text of the application for a grant from the United Nations Democracy Fund by UNA-SF. The application was submitted just under the wire on Dec 31, 2014, UNDEF grant number 14-21880. UNDEF proposal receipt number: 31520_GLO. Learn more about UNA Gender Crosstalk here. Participate in the UNA Gender Crosstalk here.
Organization Name: United Nations Association San Francisco
Organization Acronym: UNA-SF
Type of Applicant: Civil Society or Non-Governmental Organization
First Time or Prior Applicant: First Time
Prior Experience of Your Organization (650 characters):
UNA-SF has organized and carried out large successful UN Day Celebrations for the 50th, 60th and 65th Anniversaries of the founding of the United Nations. Budgets varied from 20 to 100 thousand USD. Current Chapter Leadership is now assessing the possibility of a UN 70th Celebration for UN Day 2015 with an estimated budget of $30,000 at the War Memorial where the UN Charter was signed on June 26, 1945 here in San Francisco. Also for UN Day 2015 we will have a Flag March across the Golden Gate Bridge with the UN flag leading the parade of national flags. Each year we have an International Women’s Day, a Human Rights Day and a UN Day event.
Operational Budget: less than $50,000
Prior Experience of Your Organization with the UN (500 chars):
Current UNA-SF Chapter leadership has participated in UN conferences in New York City. In San Francisco and the Bay Area we have held and participated in post-2015 SDG development meetings. One of our board members is a contracted employee of UN Volunteers, which is administered by UNDP.
Affiliation (500 characters):
UNA-SF is a chapter of United Nations Association of the United States of America (UNA-USA), which is a Program of the United Nations Foundation out of Washington, DC, USA.
Other Grants (255 characters): None known, certainly nothing of this size.
Head of Organization: Mr Pablo Castro, President,,
Key Contact: Mr Roger Eaton, Communications Chair, +1 415 933 0153,
Project Title: Appealing to the Genders for Human Unity
Project Scale: Global
Project Summary (500 characters):
NGO members will participate in a collective, i.e. crowd-sourced, inter-gender dialog that will build trust in our common humanity. The dialog will underpin a world conference to kick-start a massive global movement for peace with gender equality built in. The genders, collectively enabled by innovative online technology, will be empowered to persuade the nations and religions to trust each other, thus providing humanity with a surprising new route to global cooperation.
Requested Grant Amt: $250,000
Applicant’s Own Contribution (255 characters):
$3000 is all that is currently available. Please note that a grant of $100,000 will be nearly as useful, because simply winning a grant from UNDEF will give us the entree we need to raise more from local SF Bay Area foundations and wealthy individuals.
Project Theme: Civil society empowerment
Previous Initiatives/Innovation:
The centerpiece of the “Appealing to the Genders for Human Unity” project is an innovative online process. Previous larger scale projects carried out by UNA San Francisco have been focused on in person UN Day festivities. As far as we know, the idea of going over the heads of the nations and religions, so to speak, and appealing to the genders collectively is an entirely new notion. The project is novel too in the scope of its ambition for world peace with gender equality built in.
Problem Analysis (1000 characters):
UNA’s Gender Crosstalk technology, now in advanced prototype stage, implements a collective dialog between the genders. Every lunar month, the Women and the Men elect a message to represent their gender in the dialog. Gender equality is built in and if you dig down a little there are also winning messages for Youth, Middle-Age and Seniors. The purpose of the project is to build trust in our common humanity so we can persuade the nations and religions to cooperate. The lack of such cooperation and trust, especially between nations, but to a degree also between religions, is the major roadblock to the peaceful, sustainable world that we need. We will aim to bring in NGO members from around the world. Love and wit are what everyone appreciates, so those are the messages that will win month after month, building a massive conviction that humanity is worthy of our trust and can be united. At a 3-day Human Unity Conference in San Francisco, USA, a plan will be developed to do just that.
Project Beneficiary: Women Groups
Project Objective (255 characters):
The “Appealing to the Genders for Human Unity” project will use innovative online democratic methods in conjunction with in-person meetings to empower women and men collectively to set in motion a world movement for peace and unity with women in the lead.
Describe the intended results or outcomes expected (max 3). The results/outcomes should look beyond the project outputs and indicate the expected positive changes in condition/capacity that will be brought about within the time frame of the project. Max. 255 characters.
Outcome 1:
A Human Unity Conference in San Francisco for IDP 2016 is the major outcome of the grant. The online Gender Crosstalk and person-to-person meetings will build both numbers and morale towards a global movement for gender equality, human unity and world peace.
Outcome 2:
The Gender Crosstalk online social media will “take off” and achieve “critical mass” so it is viewed as a smart choice for NGOs both to connect with each other and to promote gender equality, human unity and world peace.
Outcome 3:
A “Make Your Gift Work Twice” fundraising campaign will provide a viable new avenue for NGO fundraising and will at the same time incentivize participation in the Gender Crosstalk process.
Describe the immediate realizations generated by the key activities. These are measurable results (100 women leaders trained, 80 public debates held, 1000 copies of report published, etc) Max. 600 characters.
Outputs for Outcome 1:
Each month shortly after the women’s message and the men’s message have been chosen, online and/or in-person meetups will discuss the monthly results as they relate to human unity. Notes from these meetings will be shared online. The 2016 IDP Human Unity Conference will produce a feasible “Roadmap to Human Unity” document. Seventy Crosstalk female participants from developing countries and who have written highly rated Gender Crosstalk messages will be recruited and given a full scholarship to the 2016 IDP Human Unity Conference in San Francisco.
Outputs for Outcome 2:
The Gender Crosstalk monthly participation level will increase exponentially to more than 10,000 by September 21, 2016, and the quality of the two messages selected each month will be consistently generous and intelligent. The winning messages will be sent to UN Women Exec Dir Dr. Mlambo-Ngcuka in hopes she will at some point respond.
Outputs for Outcome 3:
By September 21, 2016, an average of five dollars per participant will be raised each month from NGO members and distributed as points to the Crosstalk participants for redistribution by the same participants to the UN registered NGO of their choice. By the same date, 200 such NGOs will have set up their own page in the Gender Crosstalk website in order to qualify to receive participant points, which translate to income for the NGOs.
Describe the key activities that will be undertaken for each output mentioned above. Max. 1000 characters.
Key Activities
* Outreach via NGOs and social media to bring in participants for the Gender Crosstalk
* Monthly online and in-person discussions of the Gender Crosstalk results with focus on human unity
* Efforts to secure active participation by UN Women Exec Director Dr. Mlambo-Ngcuka
* A three day San Francisco Human Unity Conference for International Day of Peace 2016
* Selection of 70 female Gender Crosstalk participants from developing countries with highly rated messages for Conference scholarships
* Implementation of “Make your Gift Work Twice” in the Gender Crosstalk software
For each outcome, please frame at least two indicators. An indicator is a statement, either qualitative or quantitative, related to some aspect of the outcome, and allows us to directly measure progress towards achieving the outcome. It must be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound (SMART). Do not restate an output of the project as an indicator. The indicator must go BEYOND the level of the output/s to actually measure the positive results/impact of the output/s. e.g.: % of indigenous populations aware of their rights under the new electoral administration laws. Max. 400 characters
Performance Indicators for Outcome 1:
* Number of monthly meetups and meetup participants
* Number of women from developing countries who have accepted scholarships
* The feasibility of the Roadmap to Human Unity will be measured by a poll of both Conference and Crosstalk participants before and after the conference.
Performance Indicators for Outcome 2:
* The number of online participants who write messages that receive an average positive approval rating by other participants
* The number of online participants who write messages that receive an average negative approval rating by other participants
* The increase (or decrease) in the number of participants each month
Performance Indicators for Outcome 3:
* Number of NGOs with outreach to their members encouraging Gender Crosstalk participation
* Amount of money distributed each month to NGOs via the Make Your Gift Work Twice campaign
Describe how project results/outcomes will be measured, what measurements will be used (outcome indicators, baseline, targets and monitoring tools) and who will be responsible for measuring them. Max. 500 characters.
Monitoring and Evaluation:
A part-time paid intern will be brought in for M&E. A detailed plan will be produced to monitor and evaluate the Gender Crosstalk, the monthly meetings and the final conference. Pre and post Conference questionnaires will be developed. Monthly Gender Crosstalk results and statistics will be made available online. Likewise results from monthly person-to-person meetings.
Describe how the achievements of the project will be maintained beyond the UNDEF funding period. Max. 300 characters.
If the Gender Crosstalk takes off as expected and the IDP 2016 Conference produces a feasible roadmap to human unity, then more and more NGOs and citizens from around the world will want to participate going forward, and funding will be easy to find.
Gender Considerations: Addressing gender inequality is a key objective of the project
It works two ways. Because gender equality is built into the structure of the project, the global Women’s Movement is expected to be keenly hopeful of success of the project and be the prime early backer. The payoff of success is to enshrine gender equality, the real thing, as a foundational element of the global social contract. The software implements global : national : state : metro levels, so gender equality will be built in at every level from local to global.
Marginalized or Vulnerable Groups: The needs of marginalized or vulnerable groups are taken into account in the project design.
The online Gender Crosstalk process enables groups to develop a collective voice. The collective voice of Marginalized and Vulnerable groups will further empower the already strong inclination of these groups to support each other at the global level, thus helping to reduce the conflicts that sometimes occur at the national or local level.
Describe why UNDEF funding is particularly strategic for the proposed project. Max. 300 characters.
The Gender Crosstalk is the application of democracy to the genders, globally, nationally and locally. The Crosstalk capability also applies to the generations, so Youth has a voice too. Women’s issues and Youth issues are high on the agenda for UNDEF. Make Your Gift Work Twice will strengthen NGOs.
Proposed Implementing Partners: United Religions Initiative Multiregion see
Budget by type of activity:
Activity 1 IDP 2016 Human Unity Conference
Activity 1 – Amount in US$ $ 215,000
Activity 2 Monthly in person or online meetings
Activity 2 – Amount in US$ $ 15,000
Activity 3 Software Maintenance and Development
Activity 3 – Amount in US$ $ 15,000
Activity 4 Online administration of Gender Crosstalk
Activity 4 – Amount in US$ $ 5,000
Total Project Costs (TPC) $ 250,000.00
Budget by type of expenditure:
Professional project personnel, administrative personnel and all other staff costs for general project management
Salaries – Amount in US$ $ 5,000
Transportation and per diem (meals and accommodation) for project management team and participants traveling to activities (e.g. workshops or training sessions).
Travel – Amount in US$ $ 190,000
Commercial/consultancy services, translation, providers, etc.
Contractual services/consultants – Amount in US$ $ 16,000
Rental of premises, refreshments, banners, public address systems, interpretation, travel, hotels and meals, resources
Workshops, Meetings, and Seminars – Amount US$ $ 25,000
IT equipment, project support equipment (e.g. TV, radio equipment, printer)
Project Equipment/Hardware – Amount in US$ $ 3,000
Publications, pamphlets, brochures, print media, websites, broadcasts
Outreach – Amount in US$ $ 5,000
Fellowships, Grants,Study tours & others $ 0
Stationery, communications, postage, insurance, maintenance, utilities
Miscellaneous – Amount in US$ $ 5,000
Certification of reports on the use of funds by an independent auditor/accountant
Audit – Amount in US$ $ 1,000
Total Project Costs (TPC) $ 250,000.00
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